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Writer. Designer.
Event Organizer.
Community Activist.
Lover of the
Little Things.
Hi, I'm Sara Thompto.
Writer & Designer.
Writing was my first true passion. If you asked me what I wanted to be when I was five years old I would have told you I wanted to be a writer. It was no surprise when I joined the high school newspaper and later became the Editor in Chief. It was even less surprising when I went to Roosevelt University in Chicago to major in Journalism.  Journalism combined two of my favorite passions: getting to meet new people and hear their stories, and then getting to write about them.

Somewhere along the way I was "forced" to take design classes and found something new that intrigued me. Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and In Design became a new passion.

Writing was never a surprise, but what was surprising was when my interests started to deviate and graphic design became something I was equally in love with.

No Coast Paper Co was my first business. It started as a humble little hobby of designing postcards and greeting cards in the fall 2014 and grew fairly quickly. In the summer of 2016 I knew I needed to pull back or take the plunge of running my business full time. I leapt headfirst into making No Coast Paper Co my career and it's been an adventure, landing my brand name in over 40 boutique stores around the USA. My cards have shipped to 23 different countries and all 50 states over the past eight years, and my product line has expanded to include art prints, note pads, buttons and stickers.

In 2017 my second business was born; Madison Makers Market, which involves organizing and running four markets a year, combining local Madison area businesses and the maker community into one fun event.

On March 15, 2019 I released a new website, I Heart Indie Markets, which was the start of taking Madison Makers Market national. 

Today (Summer 2023) I Heart Indie Markets is in 18 states, 23 cities and produces around 70 events per year. 

Event Organizer.
I Heart Indie Markets started as Madison Makers Market but when I took the company from Wisconsin based to National, it became I Heart Indie Markets.
As I mentioned before, I Heart Indie Markets is in 18 states, 23 cities and produces around 70 events per year. 
Each event varies in size and location. Read more about it at

Community Activist.
I think each person has a skill set that is unique to them, and they can use those skills to better their community. My skill sets are organization, design, a passion for helping others and the perseverance to see a job through to the end. I frequently state that my biggest talent is that I am a "Doer." I don't just talk about something - I get it done. I try to use this talent to help my local community as much as possible. 

In December of 2018 I tried my hand at my first charity event called Winter Wonderful, which involved raising money for six charities in six days through fun community events and a pop-up shop!

I volunteer for Gay for Good whenever I'm in a city with this organization, helping with various volunteer efforts from park cleanups to packaging donated clothing for underprivileged families. 

I also don't shy away from protesting and attending rallies when the topic is something I am passionate about such as social justice, gender and racial equality, and the safety of our communities.

Lover of the Little Things.
When I'm not working I enjoy the little things like reading and taking walks in nature. 
I also enjoy road trips, visiting craft breweries, shopping at the farmers market and local shops, attending concerts, and hanging out with my family; my wife Chelsea and our Cat, Mackerel, and our new puppy, Stardust! 
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