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Event's planned and executed from 2017 - Current
MMM Pub Crawl Poster
Madison MAkers MArket
Madison Makers Market events take place 4 times a year and involve coordination between three to six venues and 30-80 vendors.
These events are community oriented and combine makers markets and pub-crawls into one fun event.
Learn more about Madison Makers Market events at
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WINTER Wonderful
Winter Wonderful was a week long event series, featuring six community events in six days to raise money for local area nonprofits.
Each night was themed and tickets could be purchased where 100% of the money raised went to the charity of the night. The themes included:
  • The Kickoff Party
  • Madison Concert Series
  • Kids Night
  • International Food Night
  • Adult Game & Craft Night
  • Wisconsin Night
Each night included food, drinks, entertainment and decorations in accordance of the theme. On top of the nightly events there as a week-long pop-up shop where 25% of all profits went to the nonprofits involved as well.
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